The book «Palindromorphy» deals with the symmetries of the keyboard (softcover book click here; eBook click here).
Though in piano pedagogy it is relatively common for the central white key D and the black key Ab / G# to be named as mirror axes of the keyboard, no detailed investigation of the creative applications of this phenomenon in improvisation and composition has yet been carried out. The book is primarily aimed at pianists and composers who are inspired by music-theoretical considerations and at the same time wish to gain insight into creative implementations.
160 pages, ©2019 Victor Alcántara
The following exercise book on piano playing was published in 1881 by music theorist Bernhard Ziehn (1845–1912). «System of Exercises for Pianoforte» contains for the most part mirror symmetric exercises for finger dexterity, but – in contrast to the above mentioned book «Palindromorphy» – no further explanation of the phenomenon of mirror symmetry and no creative instructions for composition / improvisation. The following Pdf-illustration is a preview. Click here to download the complete book for free (16,4 MB, zip-file).